
Strength and Conditioning Knowledge Center

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1RM Prediction and progression: A Sneek Peek into monitoring strategies

1RM is one of the most important metrics – perhaps even the most important metric – that all strength athletes must monitor. Join me as I pull back the curtain and provide a sneak peek into several novel strategies addressing how to work up to a top single, predict 1RM, and progress 1RM using velocity …


Unique properties and adaptations followed by eccentric training. Part II

In the previous article we talked about the scientific background of eccentric training and its physiological characteristics. In this article we will take a look at the main physiological adaptations that occur after eccentric training. Contraction type appears to mediate a region-specific hypertrophy; eccentric training tends to induce greater increases in distal muscle size, while …


The Importance of Bridging the Gap Between Sports Science and Coaching

My name is Jason Tremblay. I’m a 28-year-old Strength & Conditioning professional, Sports Science template designer for the Calgary Flames, and business owner of The Strength Guys Inc., with a bachelor’s degree in Health & Physical Education as well as the Personal Fitness Trainer Certificate from Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta. During the first …


Quantify Proximity to Failure

Autoregulating Volume With Absolute Velocity Stops: A Solution to Accurately Quantify Proximity to Failure Currently, the most commonly employed method of volume autoregulation is the RPE stop; however, it is limited by its inability to accurately quantify proximity to failure. Join me as I address six different examples of employing absolute velocity stops as a …


Lose less to win more: A comprehensive examination of the velocity loss literature

The velocity loss literature provides valuable insight on how far from failure the majority of training should occur, but it isn’t as straightforward as one might think. Join me as I address how to integrate the velocity loss data into the proximity to failure data in order to provide the optimal RPE ranges depending on …


How to get started on Velocity-Based Training with Vitruve

So, you are interested in beginning your journey with Vitruve, and implementing Velocity-Based Training. Congratulations! Whether you are an athlete or coach, Velocity-Based training can be a powerful tool to gain valuable data and real-time feedback to inform training and improve performance. “Velocity Based Training? What is that?” I remember the first time I saw …


Mean Propulsive Velocity vs Peak Velocity

Mean Propulsive Velocity vs Peak Velocity Velocity-Based Resistance Training has meant a paradigm shift in the way of conceiving the programming, control, and monitoring of strength training in recent times, in addition, its Implications go far beyond strength training itself, influencing the very concept of training for performance improvements. Using VBT has been proved to …


How To Compare Athletes Based on their Load Velocity Profile

Velocity-based training (VBT) has gained a lot of attention in recent years as a valuable tool for strength and conditioning coaches, personal trainers and in the fitness and performance community in general. This training method uses technology such as accelerometers or linear position transducers, which have been shown to be more accurate, to measure movement …


What’s Velocity-Based Training?

Velocity Based Training (VBT) is a fantastic tool for coaches and strength and conditioning professionals all around the world. VBT is a modality of training which requires an athlete to have their speed of movement measured. This is usually done under the forms of conventional barbell lifts but this can also progress to jumps and …


5 ways to use VBT for any Strength Coach

Velocity based training is starting to be a more common tool in the strength and conditioning world, something that we use to barely see in the best facilities around the world, now we can see it even in commercial gyms. However, it’s still a tool that seems to be complicated to apply to sports and …


The Birth of Vitruve

SPEED4LIFTS is now VITRUVE! Vitruve is here, and it is much more than a new brand, it means new values, a new vision and a new philosophy. Speed4lifts was born as a brand aimed at powerlifters and weightlifters, which is the reason of its aggressive aesthetics. But we soon realized that not only these types …