Calculate your 1RM (one-rep max) for any lift for any weight unit.
Your 1RM is the maximum weight you can lift in one repetition.
1RM is the correlation between the maximum weight an athlete can lift and the maximum speed at which they can do it. This value varies every day, depending on the athlete’s motivation, sleep quality, diet, and other factors that may affect their performance. Nevertheless, knowing how to estimate their daily 1RM can help you plan their training to obtain the best possible results.
To have a correct estimate of their daily 1RM, you need to understand that there’s a direct correlation between the velocity and the percentage of 1RM. Therefore, if you can measure the speed of a lift, you can determine the percentage of the 1RM being lifted. Finally, with this velocity information, you can accurately estimate the 1RM of each specific athlete every day and adapt their training accordingly.
You can calculate the daily 1RM of each athlete without needing them to lift it. With the value of them lifting a lower weight, you can calculate the 1RM without risking injuries or fatigue to the athlete. Creating a load velocity profile is going to help you see, measure, and calculate the relationship between the load that the athlete can lift and the velocity at which they can do it. The load-velocity profile helps us not only to know with what velocity we should perform a movement, but also allows us to monitor our progress.
VBT devices are the most reliable, affordable, and quickest tool that athletes currently have to know their body, their breaking point, and their performance. The VBT device is the right tool to measure the velocity of any workout and be able to reach the best performance of any athlete in every session.
1. Use a wide range of percentages
Ideally, choose a range between 30% and 80%. If you select too narrow a range, such as from 30% to 50%, you won’t be able to determine how an athlete performs at 60%, 70%, or 80% of their one-repetition maximum (1RM), and therefore, you won’t be able to accurately estimate their 1RM. There’s also no need to go up to 85% or 90% because it’s rare for an athlete to find it useful to lift such heavy weights, but you can go up to 75% or 80%.
2. Spaced percentages
It’s important that the percentages for the four lifts we perform are as spaced apart as possible. For example, 30%, 45%, 60%, and 80%. Avoid, for instance, doing 30%, 35%, 40%, and 80%. Otherwise, you’ll be losing a lot of valuable information along the way.
3. Rest enough between lifts
As the athlete lifts heavier weights, fatigue sets in, so it’s recommended to take the necessary rest before performing the next lift, typically between 3 and 5 minutes. Failure to do so will result in slower lifting speed, making the test unreliable.
4. Perform lifts under the same conditions
All lifts should be performed under identical conditions. This means that if the coach assists the athlete in lifting the bar during the first lift, they should do the same for all subsequent lifts. The same applies to motivational shouting. Otherwise, the conditions would be changing, and the lifting speed could vary.
5. Lift each load as fast as possible
The athlete should be familiar with the exercise to perform it as quickly as possible. If it’s not done as fast as possible, the profile won’t turn out well.