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Man training Barbell


Utilizing Partial Range of Motion Strength Training with Vitruve

A major theme that I seem to hit on with all of my blogs seems to circle around what you do “next,” once you build up adequate base levels of strength as an athlete. Again, remember that I always speak from the lens of a performance coach. The barbell, power rack and weights are all …

1RM barbell


Variability in the 1 RM in athletes

Many of the coaches are following an old trend to measure the 1 RM and prescribe training loads that may not be the intended ones. Yes, 1 RM can change faster than you think. If the 1 RM changes, so does the prescribed load and that can affect the training stimulus and adaptations. In this …

Application of VBT in Olympic Weightlifting and variations for team sports


Application of VBT in Olympic Weightlifting and variations for team sports

Introduction           The snatch and the clean and jerk (C&J), the two lifts performed in Olympic weightlifting competitions, are technically complex movements requiring high levels of strength, power, and agility. Weightlifters demonstrate exceptional peak power outputs during these lifts, surpassing those reported in other sports (Ho, Lorenzen, Wilson, Saunders, & Williams, 2014). Olympic weightlifting is …


VBT and Exercise Selection… Which Exercises are The BEST to Use?

If you are a coach, athlete or even every day gym goer, wouldn’t it be nice to consistently track your progress? Of course it would be. You wouldn’t be here reading this if you weren’t keen to the idea of consistently tracking your training progress. However, the key word here is consistency. What good is …


Parental Perspective: Understanding VBT and How It Benefits for Your Child

Velocity Based Training (VBT) has emerged as a cutting-edge approach in strength & conditioning that promises significant benefits for athletes of all ages and experience levels.  As parents, understanding these modern training techniques is crucial to supporting and nurturing your child’s long-term athletic development.  This article aims to explain what VBT is, how it benefits …


Vitruve Linear Encoder | Velocity Based Training

VITRUVE LINEAR ENCODER All you need to know about Vitruve’s Linear Encoder for Velocity Based Training. What is Vitruve linear encoder? This technology is the Gold Standard, i.e. the most accurate technology available. However, our Vitruve Encoder is scientifically validated by independent researchers (not funded by Vitruve) and published in a Tier 1 journal such …


Upper Body Workout for Baseball

Baseball Has Specific Needs Which Must be Taken into Account Baseball has specific needs that must be taken into account. The two objectives we seek with baseball training are to optimize performance and reduce the risk of injury. These goals can only be achieved with an understanding of the unique physical demands of the sport …


Upper Body Training for Basketball

What Should I Take into Account When Preparing an Upper Body Workout for basketball? Basketball is a popular sport that requires technical, tactical, psychological, and physiological skills (Roman et al., 2009). Physical fitness, including velocity, strength, endurance, stamina, agility, and flexibility, as well as jumping, running, balance, and changes of direction, affect basketball performance (Nikolaos …


Callisthenics Workout Program For Beginners

One of the best parts of being a beginner in the world of athletic sports and training is finding out what your body can do. Callisthenics is bodyweight training in which your body’s interactions with gravity create resistance. These workouts are important for athletes from all walks of life and from all levels of experience. …


Velocity Based Training Devices – Full Review 2024

Technological advances of VBT devices In the last 5-10 years there has been an increasing growth in the availability of sports science technology and performance equipment. With this increased access to technology, there have been more devices and companies that have started producing equipment for trainers. Velocity-based training has been around for a long time, …


High-Performance Training For Professional Athletes

Competitive athletes are almost always characterized by their fast and powerful movements and outstanding fitness. But how exactly do the professionals get so fit? Are you just lucky and have impressive genetics? Is it the professional trainers who deal with the athlete day in and day out? Instead, the total package of genetics, training, nutrition, …


How I started with VBT

My coaching journey with velocity-based training A couple of years ago I was contacted by the Vitruve team asking if I would be interested in collaborating with them as a writer and researcher on their blog. At the time, I was studying Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and, although my knowledge at the time about …