
Strength and Conditioning Knowledge Center

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How Fast Should You Move During Power Training?

The Eternal Dilemma: How Fast Should You Move During Power Training? Hypertrophy, strength, and power are common goals of resistance training, mediated by manipulating numerous variables including load, volume, exercise order, exercise selection, and rest intervals between sets, among others (Bernárdez-Vázquez et al., 2022). However, one often overlooked training variable that is essential to consider …


Raw Powerlifting vs Equipped Powerlifting

History of the Split in Powerlifting: Raw vs. Equipped In powerlifting, competitors engage in three classic movements: squat with a barbell, bench press, and deadlift, each designed to measure different aspects of maximum strength. With the foundation of the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) in November 1972, the first official IPF World Championship took place in …


Soccer Tests You Need to Assess Your Players

Soccer Tests Are Diverse And Complex Soccer is a highly complex sport influenced by many factors beyond the physical, such as the psychological, tactical, and technical aspects (Stølen et al., 2005). There are tests for soccer and other disciplines to measure each of these factors. In this article, we will focus on physical tests. Soccer …


Volume vs Intensity for hypertrophy. ¿Do you really need it?

Volume & Intensity – Definitions Training Volume The training volume for strength is described as the amount of work done in a given time, measured in repetitions and sets (McBride et al., 2009). It is crucial to consider that when counting sets for muscle hypertrophy, science defines a set as one that is completed with …


Frequency of Heart Rate at Rest in Athletes According to Age and Gender

Resting Heart Rate: What is “Normal”? Resting heart rate is an easily measurable clinical parameter that indicates the activity of the heart pumping blood when we are not exercising or moving, that is, when we are relaxed. It usually ranges between 60 and 90 – 100 beats per minute, and can vary throughout the day, …


How many times a week do powerlifters train?

Relationship Between Session Intensity and Training Days per Week in Powerlifting Powerlifting is a sport of both relative and absolute maximum strength, comprising three movements: squat, bench press, and deadlift (Ferland & Comtois, 2019). This athletic discipline has existed as a strength sport for several decades but has gained increased attention in the last 10 …


Squat Velocity: Discover the Right Speed for Your Training

The squat is one of the most important exercises for strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities. To achieve optimal performance with this fundamental exercise, it’s crucial to consider the speed and type of muscle contraction, as they impact muscle activation, strength, and power (Lee & Lee, 2018). In this article, we’ll delve into squat …


Top 10 Apps for Strength and Conditioning Coaches

Mobile applications flood our phones, with some being more useful than others. Someone looking to get in shape can download different apps based on their goal: improving strength, running more, practicing yoga or Pilates, training the pelvic floor, or any other objective. Everything is available in the Android and iOS stores. A strength and conditioning …


Rest Pause Training Method For Strength & Muscle

Rest-Pause Training: The Art of Resting Within the Set In strength training program design, numerous variables are manipulated to achieve goals such as intensity, volume, and frequency. One of these variables is the rest time between sets, which can significantly impact how well we approach the next set. Traditional strength training prescription has focused on …


Undulating Load for Strength Gain: How Does It Work?

What Does Undulating Load Involve for Gaining Strength? The systematic variation of training stimuli, known as periodization, is effective in optimizing responses to power training (“American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand,” 2009). For this reason, there has been considerable interest in comparing different periodization strategies to assess their relative effectiveness. For example, in a …


ROUNDTABLE – The Science Behind VBT: How to Apply it to Improve Strength and Conditioning in Your Athletes

Delve into the scientific principles underpinning VBT and its application in strength and conditioning programs. Gain insights into monitoring and adapting training loads for enhanced athlete performance. Discover practical tips for integrating VBT seamlessly into your coaching routines. What You Can Expect: 1. Insights from Industry Experts: Meet our esteemed panelists, including Gerry DeFilippo, Justin …