
Strength and Conditioning Knowledge Center

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Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Concurrent Training

Concurrent training is defined as that type of training in which strength work is combined with that of improving aerobic capacity simultaneously. Although as we already know strength training will always benefit sports where aerobic capacity will be the predominant such as long-distance running or cycling, especially if you work looking to move the loads …


How To Know the Key Performance Indicators in Sport

In recent decades, strength training in sports has become popular thanks to extensive scientific evidence that demonstrates with great veracity that it is a key tool to improve performance and prevent injuries. It is clear that strength is the gear that moves performance and can make you achieve maximum potential, but, even so, there are …


Why Do You Need Software To Do The Best Sports Performance Analysis? For Coaches!

The role of performance analysis is undeniable regardless of which sport you engage in. This analysis is carried out by professional coaches who have great knowledge and access to the right tools to make sure that they make the right decision in order to optimize an athlete’s performance. The performance analysis mainly deals with a …


All You Need To Know About The New Butterfly Pull-Ups Technique

Quick Overview: A butterfly pull-up enables the combined training of strength, endurance, and coordination. Learn what butterfly pull-ups are, who they are for, and how the correct execution works.   What is the butterfly pull-up? The butterfly pull-up is a common variant of the pull-up that allows you to perform more repetitions in a shorter …


Lumbar Spine Stability Exercises For Athletes

The biomechanics of the surrounding joints play a decisive role in the stability of the lumbar spine. The thoracic spine and hip joint must be sufficiently mobile and stable in order to avoid ascending and descending chains of cause and effect and to ensure adequate power transmission during rapid movements. Global and especially local stabilizing …


Personality Characteristics Of High-Performance Athletes

In sport, personal strength decides whether you win or lose. In the case of successful athletes, characteristics such as determination, perseverance, etc. are often considered success factors. Individuals take different approaches when dealing with events that occur in their life – trait and situational. An individual who uses a trait approach applies the same personality …


How To Improve Vertical Jump in Basketball Players Using The VBT

What is a vertical jump? If you have ended up in this article, I understand that you already know what a vertical jump is, but do you know what the biomechanics of the jumps? The vertical jump consists of  a triple flexo-extension, that is, a flexion of the ankle, knee and hip simultaneously,followed by an …


How Far Can The Mental Game Affect Sports

As a competitive athlete, one is dependent on being able to use one’s full sporting potential through mental strength. In these situations, in particular, the stress of competition, pressure to perform, and nervousness can stand in the way of maximum physical performance. This is where mental training comes in. Mental strength can improve athletic performance …


What is Muscle Pliability and Why Does it Matter?

When one thinks about the term “pliability” they generally associate the term with being flexible. While there is certainly some truth to that belief, pliability is much more than one narrowly defined skill or ability. Additionally, there seems to be a preconceived notion that those who are larger in size, whether muscularly or overweight, can’t …


We Tell You the Secrets of The Method to Relax and Gain Sleep

When reflecting on how to improve our performance, we take into account factors that involve above all the field of training and nutrition. We look for which methods will allow us to progress in a more efficient way, we investigate until we find articles with a reliable base and get the most out of it, …


How the brain reacts when we do sports

We all have in mind what happens to the body when we perform physical exercise: our muscles contract and relax, the pulsations increase, the oxygen transport routes are put into operation to meet the energy demands we need at that precise moment and a long etcetera. But what happens in our brain? It is thanks …


What Is Circuit Training And What Are Its Benefits

Quick overview: Circuit training means training in a variety of ways and achieving high training effects. Circuit training can improve your strength and endurance, flexibility, and coordination skills at the same time.   What is Circuit Training? Circuit training is one of the oldest training methods and was invented in 1952 by two sports scientists …