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Best Velocity Based Training Devices – Full Review 2025

Velocity Based Training and VBT Devices Velocity Based Training (VBT) is a method of training that allows us to know with high precision the relative intensity and degree of fatigue that occurs in each training session.  With various devices on the market, choosing the right one can be daunting. This guide explores different types of …


High loads vs low loads adaptations

It is well known that when implementing velocity-based training maximum intention must be applied in every repetition. In this sense, maximum force can be improved with any load when the maximum intention is achieved. However, not all loads create the same adaptations. Similarly, not every exercise in some circumstances allows the athlete to achieve the …


Master Arm Weight Training

Weight training for arms encompasses various muscle groups, with the biceps brachii and triceps brachii being the primary focus, along with the forearm due to its importance in grip strength. When it comes to arm training, there are several considerations that we often overlook, but they can modify the stimulus our muscles receive. Throughout the …


The SAID Principle: How to Design an Effective S&C Program

What’s the SAID Principle? The SAID principle owes its name to the acronym from the English phrase “Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands” (Fisher & Csapo, 2021). The SAID principle establishes that the human body will adapt specifically in response to the demands and stresses imposed upon it (Pearson et al., 2000). In simple terms, the …


How Fast Should You Move During Power Training?

The Eternal Dilemma: How Fast Should You Move During Power Training? Hypertrophy, strength, and power are common goals of resistance training, mediated by manipulating numerous variables including load, volume, exercise order, exercise selection, and rest intervals between sets, among others (Bernárdez-Vázquez et al., 2022). However, one often overlooked training variable that is essential to consider …


Top 10 Apps for Strength and Conditioning Coaches

Mobile applications flood our phones, with some being more useful than others. Someone looking to get in shape can download different apps based on their goal: improving strength, running more, practicing yoga or Pilates, training the pelvic floor, or any other objective. Everything is available in the Android and iOS stores. A strength and conditioning …


Preventing Injuries & Recovering Athletes With VBT

Bar Speed Track Devices Are The Best Option To Reduce And Recover From Injuries Strength training in team sports has a significant impact on overall performance improvement as well as on minimizing the risk of injuries and the return to training and competition after an injury (Lauersen et al., 2014; Maestroni et al., 2020). The …


How to Help Your Athlete Achieve a New PR With VBT

Relationship Between VBT and PR in Both the Gym and Any Sport Discipline Strength training is the essential tool to achieve a new PR, which stands for ‘Personal Record.’ This term refers to the measurement of our best lift to date, whether it’s because we’ve lifted the maximum number of kilograms for a single repetition, …


How ROM Training Can Help You Gain Muscle Mass

The range of motion (ROM), which refers to the ability of our muscles to elongate, is a forgotten capacity in strength training. When discussing performance determinants in strength training, ROM is the least of the concerns. We often come across discussions about volume, intensity, frequency, or even training time, but ROM is not a variable …


Olympic Barbell vs Standard Barbell

Brief Description of Both Olympic & Standard Barbells Olympic Bars have surpassed standard bars that were commonly used in most weightlifting facilities. While Olympic bars got their name from being primarily used for Olympic weightlifting, they are now increasingly seen in sports centers, whether commercial gyms or high-performance facilities. Due to their competitive use, these …


Hockey resistance training, strength and speed

Features a Hockey Player Must Have Ice hockey requires high levels of strength, acceleration, speed, power, endurance, agility, and balance (Nightingale, 2014). Greater explosive strength and acceleration can make a player win the puck and have better offensive and defensive performance. Similarly, better performance indicators (KPIs) increase the athlete’s chances of success in their tasks, …