
Callisthenics Workout Program For Beginners

One of the best parts of being a beginner in the world of athletic sports and training is finding out what your body can do. Callisthenics is bodyweight training in which your body’s interactions with gravity create resistance. These workouts are important for athletes from all walks of life and from all levels of experience. The calisthenic exercise incorporates features of balance and harmonisation, resistance, and mobility to help you build muscle strength and resilience.

Here’s a guideline for callisthenics workout programs to help you with your primary workouts as a beginner!


What Is Callisthenics?

Callisthenics are exercises that do not depend on anything other than the weight of the human body! These workouts are performed with varying degrees of intensity and rhythm. Sometimes these workouts are performed with simple hand tools such as rings and wands. These workouts provide improved strength, endurance, flexibility, and coordination. In the present day, fitness training for athletes, military personnel, law enforcement officials, and people who try to stay fit use these workouts to warm up for tough sports or to help build their bodies. Scientists are now studying the use of callisthenics to help treat a variety of health conditions from obesity to COPD.



Callisthenics Workout Routine For Beginners

Following is the callisthenics training program for beginners that work on different parts of the body to exercise each and every body muscle. For the whole body workout: Perform the following exercise cycle three times, with a 30-minute break between each exercise set, and a three-minute break during each circuit repetition.


  • Stand facing the pull-up bar
  • Hold the bar from the top with your arms slightly wider than the shoulder width.
  • Use your shoulder muscles to pull you up, and lift your head above the bar.
  • Perform 10 pull-ups this way.


  • Be positioned in front of an exercise bar.
  • Hold the bar from below with the help of your arms firmly and slightly closer to your shoulder-width grip.
  • Use your biceps to pull you up, raise your head above the bar, and do 10 chin-ups


  • Stand inside the dip-bar and use your arms and shoulders to lift them off the floor.
  • Bend your elbows back using your tricep muscles to move you up and down.
  • Now perform 20 dips that way.
  • If you do not have a dip bar, you can also immerse yourself in a gym ball or bench by keeping your feet down on the ground and your knees bent at a 90-degree angle.

Jump Squats

  • Stand with your body forward and your feet straight, right under your shoulders.
  • Move your feet a few inches apart with your toes slightly bent.
  • Lower yourself to the squat, and lower your hips back and down while bending your knees.
  • Keep your chest straight with your head and face forward.
  • Get into a squat as deep as you can, and then blow up forcefully upward into a jump.
  • Carry out 25 Jump squats that way.
  • Never stretch your knees over your toes, as that moves a crick of squat to the knee joints that can damage your knee joints.


  • Perform 20 push-ups by bending and placing your hands underneath, but with your shoulders somewhat outside.
  • Stretch your legs as you lift your body with your arms, into the “plank” area.
  • Be careful not to let your backbend or your back stick up into the air.
  • Lower your body by bending your elbows close to your body until your chest almost touches the floor.
  • Your upper arms should form a 45-degree angle when the upper part of your body is in the lower pushup position.
  • Pause at the lower position and then push back up to the starting position immediately.
  • Keep your core and abdomen flexible during every movement.


  • Lie down on your back.
  • Put your feet down, and bend your knees up at a 90-degree angle to your body.
  • Cross your hands over your chest and keep your head about a fist distance from your chest.
  • Keep your spine strong; sit until your elbows or chest touch your knees.
  • Focus on using your main muscles to pull, breathe as you sit, and breathe as you lie down. Do 50 crunches that way.


  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and keep your weight on your heels and your arms at your sides.
  • Push your hips back, bend your knees and go down to the squat.
  • Put your hands and palms on the floor in front of you, slightly at a distance with your feet.
  • Put your weight on your hands and jump your feet back, sit slightly on the balls of your feet, your body in a straight plank position.
  • Be careful not to let your backbend or your back stick to the air.
  • Jump your feet forward to keep them close to your hands.
  • Jump your arms high over your head and quickly jump into the air.

30 seconds Jump Rope

  • Hold the handles of the jump rope and hold your hands at about the same distance from the centerline of your body.
  • Wrap the rope around your wrists – not your elbows or shoulders – while jumping down about one to two inches in the air, removing the cord.
  • As you jump, keep your toes down and slightly bent at your knees.


Summarised Callisthenics Workout Tips for Beginners

  • Exercise should be fun – it’s something we did as kids, after all – but remember to play hard.
  • Progress is something that is not always linear but looks for improvement each and every step of the way.
  • Make sure you exercise all over your body – do not skip the day of the leg!
  • Do not get under the train, or over the train; find some fun spot, relax when you need it then exercise hard when you feel strong.
  • Have fun with it, but stay safe.


What Generates Better Results – Callisthenics Or Weight Exercises?

Callisthenics exercise requires a person to use his or her body weight to perform strength training movements. Weight exercises, on the other hand, require  a person to use dumbbells or other weightlifting exercises for strength training.

In accordance with the researchers, callisthenics and weight loss exercise produce similar physical effects, at least in the short term. For example, in one study researchers had 15 men following a weight-based exercise and 17 men following a U.S. Callisthenics-based Standardised Physical Training program. 1.5 hours a day, five days a week, for eight weeks. By the end of eight weeks, the strength of both teams had increased to the same level.



Gym-based exercises are usually built around exercises such as lat pulldowns, seated rows, and deadlifts. Although all of these are exceptional muscle builders, that does not mean they are the only way to increase back strength or size. In fact, you can get a good workout using just your bodyweight for resistance. Calisthenic exercise beats your back on all available angles, which ensures that you will not only look strong but will also be stronger. It’s a very effective training program especially when you are a beginner. And, as an added benefit, it provides good posture, too.

Whether you just need a break in the gym or you like to exercise at home, this exercise will help you build a stronger, muscular back without a lot of weight. Give it a try; it is more exigent than it looks!

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