The Most Efficient Barbell Exercises


There are many reasons why people choose barbell exercises. Some try to build muscle, lose weight, or compete in bodybuilding. Other great consumers of this activity are athletes, as exercise continues to be a part of any sport. Athletes always want that competition, particularly in the off-season. The best way to attain this is by taking up an exercise routine so that athletes can be bigger, faster, and stronger. For improving athletic performance, barbell strength training is a must! It can increase energy production, improve energy development, and ultimately make you a strong and resilient athlete.

Therefore, when it comes to training, athletes need a compact understanding of two basic concepts: movement patterns and exercise. Movement patterns are the most basic movement the human body can perform, and all other exercises are simply a variety of these. Below are some of the best barbell exercises for athletes to try at any level.

barbell exercises


Most Effective Barbell Exercises

1. Overhead Press  

The overhead press is more effective and different from a dumbbell or kettlebell in respect to high pressure. It doesn’t force any joints or neither lines nor do they allow the shoulder to reach as far as it can, which makes it an excellent training option for those with limited width or reduced injuries. Many athletes do not have the true ability to move to a higher press, but they have to find compensation to get there; this exposes their front spine, relying on their lower back to complete the task, making the shoulder more vulnerable to injury.

  • To perform overhead press Stand in front of a land mine, and hold the bar with one hand.
  • Lower the bar head on your shoulder, then press it back up.
  • To make this more difficult, you can complete the task down with one knee (on the same side as the pressing arm). This allows you to reduce the number of joints taking part in your movement.

2. Landmine Push Press

The Landmine Push Press is a fiery movement. It is beneficial for the development of full-body strength as well as improving stability and strength. You can do this with one or two hands on the barbell.

  • Start standing, arm outstretched with the bar, and lower the bar to your shoulder.
  • Keep your core strong, bend your knees and hips slightly, and push upwards, keeping the foot in contact with the floor.
  • At the same time shoot the bar upwards so that your arm is straight again. When doing this with one arm, your elbow should line up with your ear at the end of the movement. If you do this exercise with both arms, you will finish somewhat in front of your face depending on your shoulder movement. 


barbell exercises


3. Squat

One of the best exercises for athletes is squatting, especially with barbells. The research suggests that if your barbell is high, you will probably be a better athlete in terms of raw speed and power. Thus, if you can train it and master its use in a complete system, the bilateral barbell squat will be effective and will always drive significant results.

  • To perform, start by attending to the bar as if you were going to gird yourself; put your hands on the handle you stagger. Keep your back flat, and lift it with a single explosive motion.
  • You are now in your initial position. You must take the time to find the right place to start.
  • Tie your fingers and thumbs placed close to your chest, instead of holding a tight grip. This will allow you to hold the weight directly against your body, so your upper body can help support the weight.
  • Stand with your feet separated by hip width, toes straight. Stand near the bar; standing too far will make movement difficult and add stress to your back.
  • Squat down and push your knees out while keeping your full foot on the floor.
  • Drive past your feet and press your quad and glutes upwards to engage properly.

4. Barbell Hip Lift  

The barbell hip lift is a pivot movement intended to work upon glutes, and improve your strength, speed, and stamina by teaching you a hip extension. The hip extension allows athletes to exert energy on the glutes, which are among the most powerful muscles in the body. Furthermore, this is an excellent exercise for those who have back and knee problems, who often experience pain from hanging or deadly exercises.

  • To perform it: place yourself under the bar; place an Airfix pad or pillow between the barbell and your lower abdomen. While your upper torso is lying on the floor, let your headrest on the floor. The feet should be flat on the floor below your knees. Using your hands, hold on to the bar and press down on your upper quad area.
  • Flick your hips up, lifting the bar. At the top, your knees should bend at 45 ° and your shoulders should sit down, with your body forming a straight line between them.
  • Stand slightly above the lift, press down on your glute, and lower your hips slightly.

5. Reverse Lunge

Reverse Lunge is an amalgam movement that can be described as powerful because it is in the category of squat movements. While the benefits of a landmine lunge can help build strength, it can also improve balance, stability, and coordination in athletes. It is also good for those who want to work on glutes and quads that often experience pain in the knees or back during squatting.

  • Start tackling with the bar as if you are going to swing; put your hands on the handle and you stagger. Keep the back flat and lift it with a single explosive motion.
  • You are now in your initial position. It is important that you take the time to find the right place to start.
  • Tie your fingers and thumbs placed close to your chest, instead of holding a tight grip. This will allow you to hold the weight directly against your body, so your upper body can help support the weight.
  • Walk backward with one leg, lowering your knee just above the floor.
  • Once your knee is down, return to the starting position.
  • Tighten your core to keep the loaded barbell at chest level as you bend.
  • Repeat with the other leg



The Bottom Line

For the best results athletes tend to focus on basic human movements such as pushing, squatting, hinge, lunges, etc. These barbell exercises they choose are a way to express this movement, and they can find variations in training with different exercises. Increasing stability and strength during these exercises will help them build the strength for basic movements. Many sophisticated athletes tend to stay away from barbells because of the complexity and techniques involved in traditional movement. However, many athletes incorporate these barbell exercises into their training program like vbt training, as they need to get better even without practice and sports.

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