
Strength and Conditioning Knowledge Center

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Defining The Main Benefits Of Flexibility For Athletes

To complete everyday activities with ease, flexibility is essential. Despite the benefits of flexibility, it is generally underrated. Moreover, it is often misunderstood within the athletic, fitness, and performance communities. Therefore, flexibility is often pushed to the side when it comes to training and performance in sports and athletics. Often, it is difficult to understand …


Eccentric Overload Training For Strength Eccentric Overload

The world of sports performance has been paying more attention to eccentric training, which may allow athletes to reach new heights in terms of strength and force. Formerly, only used in bodybuilding and powerlifting circles, elite college programs and professional sports teams are increasingly implementing eccentric methods. Besides this, Eccentric-focused training appears to provide greater …


Types Of Strength Training: Benefits And Different Types Of Strength Training

One of the best ways to improve your health is to strengthen your muscles. Using one or more muscles to perform a specific task, such as lifting weight, is included in strength training. In recent years, strength training has become an integral part of most exercise programs because of its many benefits. Conceivably, when considering …


Loaded Carries for Strength and Conditioning

Loaded carries are super helpful for developing stability in all three planes of motion. But that’s not the only benefit you get from this simple yet effective workout. Aside from making your body stronger and more stable, loaded carries can be a viable choice for conditioning. Not only can loaded carries help maintain foundational movement …


Strength and Conditioning Coaching for Big Teams

Most people agree that strength and conditioning are not just about lifting weights. The body strength and postures of all the athletes signify a lot of things related to the overall approach and team culture. Strength and conditioning coaching plays a key role here. And therefore, a good coach is always a valuable asset to …


Discovering Whether Training to Failure Is Necessary for Muscle Growth

The old hands from the gym only know one thing: that execution to muscle failure (in addition to strain and tension) should be a prerequisite for the muscle growth stimulus. This means that if you do not do push-ups, squats, or other exercises to the point of complete fatigue, you will hardly achieve muscle growth. …


How to Prepare for the 300-Meter Hurdles

If you think sprinting along a 400-meter track at full speed is the hardest thing to accomplish, think again. A 300-meter hurdles race might be an even more grueling undertaking. Not only do athletes have to run through most parts of the track, but they also have to clear eight hurdles along the way. And …


Building Muscle: Anabolic Vs Catabolic Process

In the field of training focused on hypertrophy, there are many fundamental variables for these gains in muscle mass to take place. Knowing the main hypertrophic mechanisms (mechanical tension, metabolic stress and muscle damage) and controlling each of the training variables (volume, intensity, frequency, etc.) must be the basis of good planning in order to …


Tapering and Peaking For Strength and Conditioning

The reason athletes spend countless hours in the gym to train their bodies is to prepare for one precise moment in which they show their strength, power, and force to secure victory. This moment of truth in which you show your ultimate physical attributes is called peaking. It is the moment a bodybuilder’s entire training …


How to Increase Muscle Mass in Women

Weight training is something that is becoming very common among men and women of all ages. Today, looking better is the main cause for physical exercise for both men and women. However, this has not always been the case due to the imposition of the thought that a muscular woman was less feminine. Currently, the …


Building An Effective Circuit Training Workout

Build muscle, stay stronger, improve your stamina, and burn fat- all at the same time with effective circuit training. Getting your body in shape must be time-consuming. You need to dedicate at least a few hours a week to strength training and you need to get cardio time. Exercise methods such as HIIT and Tabatas …


8-Weeks Strength and Conditioning Workouts for Athletes

Strength building and body conditioning through VBT training or Velocity Based Training require a commitment to a complete workout regimen. For that purpose, various training strategies have been developed. And since it is the season of transformation, you will want to choose a plan that helps you reestablish your connection with the body. The workout strategy we …