
5 breakfast ideas for athletes

In recent years, dietary trends, and research have been directed towards the practice of fasting as an essential strategy for the search for health and also for performance. We know that fasting is a tool that, when used well, can help in a multitude of situations but that when seeking to improve performance, most of the time it will not be beneficial for athletes or athletes who make efforts at a certain intensity. In the world of sports, sometimes having breakfast or not having breakfast produces a dilemma, a situation that we must always address by understanding the overall context of the person: energy needs, time to eat, time for digestion, emotions when training, mental fog and/or fatigue, endocrine pathology (diabetes, for example), etc.

For this reason, the most common breakfast for athletes and people who train recreationally in the morning is to make some type of intake prior to physical activity. That is why we are going to give some examples of breakfast that help us have adequate energy levels together with a good amount of nutrients without having to be professional cooks. In addition, several factors come into play here as important as the nutritional quality of the food itself: digestibility and sustained energy intake. By digestibility we understand the ease of digesting and processing the food in question without repercussions. Therefore, we will always look for foods that do not cause us heaviness, gas, reflux or any symptoms that give us indications that we do not feel well. Obviously this is something that the person must check over time, trying different foods and noting sensations. It is the person’s job to find the foods that best suit them, but common sense also tells us that foods that are very high in fat, very exaggerated amounts, or unusual foods in our diet are not a good option for a pre-workout meal.

As a sustained supply of energy we refer to foods that, due to their characteristics, have sufficient caloric density but that as a whole do not cause a marked glucose peak with the consequent drastic drop in sugar. In these cases the correct choice of food plays a crucial role and we will focus on these parameters for the preparation of the recipes.

Here are 5 recommendations which must always be adapted to the needs of the person. Feel free to modify ingredients and quantities.


Oat pancakes, the classic fit-breakfast

It seems that it is something that never goes out of style. The versatility they have and the infinite ways of making them makes it a recipe that will always have its place in the fitness world (and outside of fitness). The most classic breakfast is that of egg whites with oatmeal. Just two parts egg white to one part oatmeal. No more. But we are going to give it a twist to make this classic and traditional breakfast become something much more appetizing and fun.

  • Chocolate pancakes: starting from the classic recipe, we are going to give it a different touch. Recipe for 1-2 people depending on the needs.

-100 ml of egg whites (from a bottle or 3 egg whites)

-1 whole egg

-50 gr of oatmeal. You can even do it with flakes if you feel like it

-10-15 gr of unsweetened cocoa powder

-1 touch of sweetener

-1 banana

-2 ounces dark chocolate

Preparation: in a bowl add the whites, the egg, the cocoa powder and the sweetener. Mix well. Once mixed, add the oats and mix again. In a non-stick frying pan, add a drop of oil, distribute it well and when it is hot, pour the mixture. You can do it in several batches if you prefer smaller pancakes or all in one stroke and make a large one.

Once browned on one side, turn it over and at this point we will put the ounces of chocolate on top so that they melt with the heat. With the back of a spoon we can move the chocolate over the entire surface of the pancake so that it spreads well. At this point I recommend sprinkling a pinch of salt on top since the sweet-salty contrast is great for this recipe. Once done, place the sliced banana on top and serve.

Try different fruits, add nuts, spices such as cinnamon or cloves, change amounts to make them fluffier or more crunchy …

Tip: a good non-stick pan is essential. Always add the mixture to the hot pan and wait to flip. Let the mixture brown to make its “crust” and then you can turn the pancake without sticking.

Approximate macros: 590 kcal. 68 grams of carbohydrates, 21 grams of fat and 31 grams of protein.



The sandwich, the most traditional Spanish breakfast

It is unquestionable that it is the most representative meal of breakfast for children and adults. Quick meal preparation. A piece of bread and whatever you want to add to it. So let’s try to make it as nutritious as possible and make it an ally to face the day’s session.

  • Mixed sandwich / sandwich: if possible, we will use a sourdough bread, whole wheat, or the one we like the most. We can even choose white bread if excess fiber causes us some discomfort or indigestion. Here is our proposal for 1-2 people.

-100-150 gr of bread to taste. Baguette, loaf, slices

-1 tablespoon of spreadable cream cheese (you can opt for light).

-100-150 gr fresh Burgos type cheese. Choose the one that suits you best.

-100-120 gr of lean sausage. You can choose turkey sausage, serrano ham, sausage loin … and also roast chicken, turkey or any other meat you have cooked.

-Spices to taste

Preparation: mix the cream cheese with the chosen spices. I recommend fresh or dried herbs such as parsley, chives, oregano, pepper, thyme … Spread the bread with the mixture and add the rest of the ingredients to taste. Opt for a touch of iron if you prefer it hot.

Tips: it is a good opportunity to incorporate micronutrients quickly and easily. Therefore, it’s smart to add carrots, a sliced tomato, green leaves such as spinach or arugula … You can add a touch of squeezed lemon or vinegar to cream cheese to make it more like mayonnaise if you prefer. You can also use fatty cheeses if you like them better.

Approximate macros: 710 kcal. 58 grams of carbohydrates, 25 grams of fat and 63 grams of protein.



A skewer of stuffed tortilla

It is an image that does not fail in any bar worth its salt. Symbol of Spanish gastronomy, the potato omelette is a staple that never fails. But we will go to the neighboring country, France, to make a typical recipe there, the omelette, faster in its preparation and easier to digest before a workout.

  • Cheese and spinach omelette: a simple recipe where the quality of the egg makes the difference. Prioritize fresh, top-quality eggs to make every bite a dream. We will specify for 1-2 people:

-3 or 4 eggs, depending on the size

-A handful of fresh spinach

-50 gr of a blue cheese or gouda-type pasta, emmental, havarti … (you can opt for a light version of these or for cream cheese)

-15 gr of walnuts (half a handful)

-10 ml of olive oil (one tablespoon)

-50 gr of the bread you prefer

-Salt and pepper

Preparation: sauté the spinach in a non-stick frying pan with the oil and a little salt. Remove them as soon as they begin to soften. In that same pan, pour the freshly beaten and seasoned eggs with the pan over medium-high heat and move the pan so that the egg spreads over the entire surface. Let it set on the bottom, lower the heat to a minimum and when you see that it has cooked on the bottom and it comes off the pan, add the cheese, walnuts and spinach to the center of the tortilla. With a spatula, lift one edge of the tortilla and bring it to the center. The same with the other edge, as if it were an empanada. You can also roll it up. The important thing is that the filling does not come out. Flip the omelette to finish cooking on top and serve on top of the bread with a little bit of chopped chives.

Tips: you can use vegetables that you have already cooked, cheeses of all kinds, minced meat, nuts with cut fruit, compote … omelettes are great with anything.

Approximate macros: 780 kcal. 29 grams of carbohydrates, 56 grams of fat and 39 grams of protein.



Fruit smoothies

A very useful option for breakfast when we are in a hurry or simply want something simple and delicious that we can even have ready the night before. In addition, it is a great recipe that would also serve us as a post-workout, as a dessert, between meals …

  • Peach Smoothie – There is no limit to the imagination here. Prioritize seasonal fruit, milk or vegetable drink of your choice, spices, nut creams … Here is a recipe that will not disappoint for 1-2 people:

-A couple of ripe peaches

-2 natural unsweetened yogurts (can be goat’s milk, Greek, soybean …)

-Milk or vegetable drink to taste, quantity varies depending on the creaminess we are looking for

-A small piece of peeled or powdered ginger

-About 10 gr of dehydrated coconut


Preparation: in an glass or food processor add the peeled and pitted peaches, cut into pieces, the yogurt and the milk or vegetable drink. Mix until we get the desired texture, adding more or less liquid. We pour it into a shaker or large glass and sprinkle the dehydrated coconut and the minced mint on top.

Tips: you can add a little orange juice or a touch of squeezed lemon to give it a touch of acidity. The coconut can be exchanged for another dehydrated fruit or peanut butter, for example. You can also choose to grate a little orange or lemon peel, cinnamon, vanilla essence, coconut cream … To increase the protein intake you can add some whey protein or change the yogurts for whipped fresh cheese.

Approximate macros. 415 kcal. 42 grams of carbohydrates, 22 grams of fat and 17 grams of protein.



Toast with jam

The smell of freshly toasted bread along with freshly melted butter and jam is something you won’t forget. And the taste even less. But we offer you a faster and perfect alternative version before a good training session.

  • Varied avocado pancakes: as simple as taking some rice pancakes from the bag, adding avocado and then whatever you want. Here is a version for 1-2 people:

-8 or 10 rice pancakes (can also be made of corn or a different ingredient)

-50 or 60 gr of ripe avocado (half a large avocado, approximately)

-30 gr of honey

-200 gr of fresh cheese whipped 0% fat

-30 gr of dark chocolate

Preparation: mash the avocado with a fork and add the whipped fresh cheese and honey. Mix well and spread over the pancakes. We sprinkle the grated chocolate on top

Tips: try adding a pinch of salt to the avocado to enhance its flavor. Also, you can choose to use cocoa powder instead of chocolate and mix it with honey and have a homemade cocoa cream perfect for pancakes.

Approximate macros. 670 kcal. 91 g of carbohydrates, 23 g of fat and 25 g of protein.


These are just a few of the thousands of combinations that can be made with a few ingredients and little work in the kitchen. We invite you to try them, modify ingredients and quantities and comment in the post which combinations and recipes you like the most. If you want to improve your nutrition and maximize your performance keep reading our latest blog on intermittent fasting.


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