
The Birth of Vitruve


Vitruve is here, and it is much more than a new brand, it means new values, a new vision and a new philosophy.

Speed4lifts was born as a brand aimed at powerlifters and weightlifters, which is the reason of its aggressive aesthetics. But we soon realized that not only these types of people benefit from VBT, but that there is a much wider range of people and that they were being left out with this brand.

These days, the users who use Speed4lifts are mostly athletes of all kinds (football, basketball, rugby…), a far cry from powerlifting.

Even a large part of the clients are health-oriented, such as physiotherapists, rehabilitators… In addition, there are clients who train special populations such as the elderly, obese or patients with different pathologies, and make use of VBT to be able to control the correct stimulus.

Science has proven that strength training is the most effective training, whatever your objective is: health or performance. So we have decided to reborn and include under the umbrella of Vitruve all these people, together in a great community.


Who are we?

We are a high-tech company born to bring VBT closer to everyone.

We illuminate this discipline and inspire its evolution with the most precise and state-of-the-art technology, and the creation of a space of exchange where experts and users join knowledge, products, tools and the training you need to solve doubts, expand capacities, share your achievements and make the most intelligent decisions that will lead you to reach your goals.

We make the complex look easy

The smartest solutions are always the simplest. That is why we do not transfer the complexity of our discipline to our users. We make this science simple, easily understandable and accessible to everyone. We were born to bring quality training to everyone and our way of doing so is through simple products, didactics, dissemination and generation of useful knowledge.

We have a scientific soul

What you can’t measure, you can’t improve. And when it comes to measuring, it’s not worth everything. That’s why our motto from day one is to work under strict scientific guidelines. Because the correct application of the VBT depends on the latest technology and the best pioneering talent. Rigor, reliability and science to never fail.

We inspire to achieve much more. Much faster

What we are was really born of a passion: pushing our own limits to go further, to improve, to achieve what seemed impossible. A passion and a philosophy of effort and perseverance that we share with our community of users. Because only by being part of our community, we are able to understand what moves them, what they need and how they need it. Only in this way can we exceed their expectations.


Our name

Our name was born from the neologism of Vitruvian Man, the study of the ideal proportions of Leonardo’s human body. A milestone of the 15th century where science reflected on the body. By keeping the complete root of the word intact, we establish a direct link between scientific studies and progress, connected to man.


The human body from the perspective of science and history. Speed as the foundation of the road to perfection. A universal symbol about the body and its perfection. Where knowledge, research and the body meet for improvement.


Our tagline

#VBTforYou always always aside the name, and that is that VBT is a tool from which all kinds of people benefit, it is not only for the elite, it is not only for sportsmen, it is the unbiased and scientific way to achieve our objectives, whoever you are.



Our logo

Our visual identity is built on the idea of strength, speed and repetition. The logo and visual motifs we use emulate the raising of a bar, movement, action and speed.


This change has also brought with it a new encoder and new applications.

Due to the covid-19 we had to delay the launch, since hardware companies like ours, have been affected by the stop of the production in China.

To help our community we are going to make a launch discount that we had not anticipated from the beginning, so that we can make this technology more accessible in difficult times.

The units are super limited, since the uncertainty is maximum and we don’t know when we will be able to replace stock. If you want to make sure of yours, we recommend you to reserve until the end of the stock!

If you have any questions, comment below or write to us at


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