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Heart Rate Variability (HRV) As an Indicator for Sport Analysis

The number of people in the fitness domain taking interest in heart rate variability (HRV) continues to grow every year. This term has gained popularity since the improvement in smartphone technology. HRV mainly represents the time variation between every heartbeat, also known as the R-R interval. This metric has been found quite helpful in training …


Here’s How Belt Squat Can Help You with Deadlift

Squat: A Basic Exercise The squat is an exercise that is part of the basic routine of a large number of gym users. Although we have different variants, sumo squat, low bar squat, high bar squat, front squat, etc. The common squat is one of the most repeated exercises in any type of routine. The …


Improve Your Body Size by Lifting Weight Using VBT

The gain of muscle mass and the gain of strength are one of the most sought-after qualities by those people who want to look with a better physique, achieve better marks in their respective sports modalities or improve their state of health. You may have tried different types of strength training, but you haven’t noticed …


The Benefits Of Using Safety Squat Bar For Better Results

While high Back Squats became the king of all lower-body exercises, many coaches are now hesitant to include them in their programmes, citing potential lower-back injuries as a reason. Some coaches go so far as to exclude all heavy bilateral squats from their athletes’ strength training in favour of Single-Leg Squat variations. But how can …


The Benefits of Trap Bar Deadlifts With VBT

Deadlifting is an exciting and incredible workout. It’s as simple as lifting a large amount of weight, putting it down, and then trying to lift it again with more force. This workout engages your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back, allowing you to get the most out of your training program. Currently, there are different types …


Test Your Back Strength With Back Pulls Exercises

An imposing body is not complete without well-developed and broad back muscles. And yet many do not succeed in getting a broad back. When looking at the anatomy of the back, the dorsal muscles can be divided into four different groups. These are the lats, rhomboideus, trapezius and lower back. We have listed the most …


Power Training: How to Reach Your Full Potential

Leg strength is something that is extremely linked to better performance in virtually any sport. Strong legs are good for a football player (because he runs faster), for a dancer (because he has to make multiple jumps) or for a runner of the 100 meters ready (to be the fastest). We can therefore say that …


Common Mistakes Of Deficit Lunge

If you’re having trouble with the strain on your knee joint doing forward lunges, or if you’re having a hard time keeping your back upright, you can turn things around and do a deficit (or reverse) lunge instead. In deficit lunges, The foot is placed backward and not forward. This keeps you stable and allows …


How The Myotatic/Stretch Reflex Affects Jumping Force Production

The vertical jump and the horizontal jump are two movements that are present in many sports modalities. This movement and this motor competition can be decisive in the end of a football match, in the last point in a volleyball match  and, of  course, in the victory in a long jump. It is a movement …


How To Workout Like The World’s Greatest Athletes

Studying the top athletes in your field is the best thing you can do to reach the top yourself. You may not even want to make it to the top, but just see a little improvement. What do you have to do then? It is not only about the physical aspect of the sport, but …


Discovering The Main Injury Prevention Measures

Sport is healthy, strengthens, and releases endorphins. That is undisputed. However, sport also carries a certain risk, as it can lead to injuries. Anyone who does sports regularly is always exposed to a certain risk. From time to time, sports injuries can occur during training. In this article, you will get an overview of the …


How To Increase the Motivation of The Athlete in Strength Training

In the world of training, the nutritional field and the training itself are fundamental if we want to progress and improve our performance, but the psychological aspect, often forgotten, is fundamental for anyone who wants to achieve success. Motivation is what makes the athlete act and behave in a certain way, that is, the way …