
Strength and Conditioning Knowledge Center

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Systematically individualizing load prescription

Each method of load prescription is typically thought of as a separate practice; either you prescribe load as a percentage of 1RM, with RPE, or using velocity. Join me as I address how we can integrate all three load prescription methods by formulating first and last rep velocity tables in order to systematically individualize load …


Physical Inactivity and Covid-19: The Ignored Risks – Part I

Introduction An outbreak of one variety of coronavirus began in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, where as of March 17, 2020, 179,111 confirmed cases and 7,426 deaths have been reported 1. This new entity, now known as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), is caused by a new human CoV, initially named novel coronavirus 2019 (2019-nCoV) which …


New Vitruve Apps

Vitruve’s new brand launch brings plenty of new features, such as the new encoder, and the new vision we have of the VBT, leaving behind the restricted range that Speed4lifts could have. In this case, I am going to expose the new features of the software and its future. First of all, I would like …


Vitruve VS Speed4lifts linear position transducer

Since Speed4lifts started in 2017, we’ve been focused on improving the product always guided by all the feedback you have given us. We are very grateful, since this is what has guided us in the construction of this new version. Taking advantage of the launch of our new corporate identity, Vitruve, we’ve decided to introduce …