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Stay Ahead with Vitruve: New Split View, Landscape Mode, and Advanced Metrics

At Vitruve, we constantly work to improve your experience, whether you’re training solo or managing a team. We’re excited to announce a series of updates designed to make your interactions with the Vitruve apps even more seamless, efficient, and insightful.  Here’s a rundown of what’s new: 1. Split View and Slide Over for Vitruve Teams …


Harnessing Technology for Advanced Velocity-Based Training

Velocity-Based Training (VBT) leverages cutting-edge technology to provide precise and actionable data that can enhance athletic performance. In this blog, we’ll explore the role of technology in VBT and how it can be used to optimize training programs. The Essential Tools for VBT 1. Linear Encoders: These devices measure the speed and distance of a …


The Power of Real-Time Feedback in Velocity-Based Training

The Power of Real-Time Feedback in Velocity-Based Training In the fast-paced world of sports, timely adjustments can be the difference between winning and losing. Real-time feedback is a cornerstone of Velocity-Based Training (VBT), providing immediate insights into an athlete’s performance. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of real-time feedback and how it can be …


Decoding the Velocity-Load Curve: A Key to Effective Velocity-Based Training

In the world of Velocity-Based Training (VBT), understanding the Load-Velocity Curve is crucial. This curve provides insights into an athlete’s performance by illustrating the relationship between the speed of movement and the weight lifted. In this blog, we’ll delve into the Velocity-Load Curve, exploring how it can be used to assess and optimize training programs. …


Optimizing Training Volume with VBT: The Role of Repetitions and Effort Character

Training volume, defined by the total number of sets and repetitions, is a critical component of any strength and conditioning program. However, merely accumulating volume isn’t enough. The quality of each rep and the overall effort put forth are equally important. In this blog, we’ll explore how Velocity-Based Training (VBT) can optimize training volume by …


Breaking Down the Flaws in Traditional Strength Training: How VBT Offers a Better Solution

Traditional strength training programs have long been based on static metrics like the one-repetition maximum (1RM). While these methods have their merits, they often fail to account for individual variability and day-to-day fluctuations in performance. In this blog, we’ll discuss the inherent flaws in traditional training plans and explore how Velocity-Based Training (VBT) provides a …


Unlocking the Basics of Velocity-Based Training: Key Concepts and Definitions

In the realm of sports science and strength and conditioning, mastering advanced techniques requires a solid understanding of the basics. Velocity-Based Training (VBT) is a cutting-edge approach that shifts focus from traditional metrics to the speed of movement, offering a fresh perspective on performance enhancement. This blog delves into the fundamental concepts and definitions that …


The Future of Strength Training: An Introduction to Velocity-Based Training (VBT)

The Strength and Conditioning industry is evolving, and so are the methods we use to measure and improve performance. Traditional metrics like the one-repetition maximum (1RM) have long been the standard in strength training, but they come with limitations. Velocity-Based Training offers a fresh perspective by focusing on movement speed rather than just the amount …


Unlocking Elite Performance with Vitruve’s Velocity-Based Training

As athletes and coaches gear up for the most prestigious competitions, the journey to peak performance is marked by dedication, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. At Vitruve, our mission is to empower athletes to unlock their full potential through cutting-edge Velocity-Based Training (VBT) technology. As the excitement of the Olympic Games approaches, we …


Exciting New Features in Vitruve: Enhancing Your Training Experience

At Vitruve, we are dedicated to continuously improving our tools to empower coaches, athletes, and health professionals. We are excited to announce several new updates and features to enhance your training experience and provide even more valuable insights.  Here’s what’s new:  Enhanced Metrics in the “Last 3 Workouts” Section We’ve expanded the metrics available in …


Vitruve Linear Encoder | Velocity Based Training

VITRUVE LINEAR ENCODER All you need to know about Vitruve’s Linear Encoder for Velocity Based Training. What is Vitruve linear encoder? This technology is the Gold Standard, i.e. the most accurate technology available. However, our Vitruve Encoder is scientifically validated by independent researchers (not funded by Vitruve) and published in a Tier 1 journal such …


How to Break Through a Workout Plateau

What’s a Training Plateau And Why Does it Occur? A training plateau is a hurdle commonly encountered by both professional athletes and amateur sports enthusiasts throughout their athletic journey. It refers to a stagnation in physical and performance adaptations that halts the progress observed until that point, despite continued training at the same or even …