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acute training load vitruve


Acute Training Load – How to Measure & Interpret it

Why is it Important for Coaches to Monitor Acute Training Load Updated coaches aim to pinpoint risk factors leading athletes to get injured while keeping an eye on and managing training variables to optimize sports performance. Training load stands as the crucial factor in boosting athletic performance, yet its imprecision can skyrocket injury risk. This …


Upper Body Workout for Baseball

Baseball Has Specific Needs Which Must be Taken into Account Baseball has specific needs that must be taken into account. The two objectives we seek with baseball training are to optimize performance and reduce the risk of injury. These goals can only be achieved with an understanding of the unique physical demands of the sport …


Upper Body Training for Basketball

What Should I Take into Account When Preparing an Upper Body Workout for basketball? Basketball is a popular sport that requires technical, tactical, psychological, and physiological skills (Roman et al., 2009). Physical fitness, including velocity, strength, endurance, stamina, agility, and flexibility, as well as jumping, running, balance, and changes of direction, affect basketball performance (Nikolaos …


Master Arm Weight Training

Weight training for arms encompasses various muscle groups, with the biceps brachii and triceps brachii being the primary focus, along with the forearm due to its importance in grip strength. When it comes to arm training, there are several considerations that we often overlook, but they can modify the stimulus our muscles receive. Throughout the …


Progressive Overload Training with VBT Encoder

What is Progressive Overload and Why is it Important to Utilize this Principle in Training? Strength training is used to develop muscle size, strength, endurance, power, and many other positive physiological outcomes. To achieve the desired adaptations, the training regimen must involve some form of progression for a given stimulus, a phenomenon known as progressive …


Full Body Dumbbell Workout: Sculpt and Tone

Full Body Dumbbell Workout: No Gym Machine Required Centuries ago, the current gym machines we see today did not exist. Nevertheless, you’ve probably walked through a museum showcasing sculptures of muscular Greek athletes. Recently, a group of researchers delved into the traditional myth suggesting that machines are better for gaining muscle mass. Their conclusions were …


The Correct Bar Path in Bench Press

The Importance of Executing the Correct Bar Path in Bench Press When it comes to improving in technical exercises like bench press, we must look beyond the classic training variables such as intensity or volume. The bar path in bench press is one of the technical elements that will help us progress much faster in …


The Effective Bodyweight Leg Workout for your Athletes

Why Perform Bodyweight Leg Training? Bodyweight training is a global fitness trend that continues to rise in the rankings of the American College of Sports Medicine (Thompson, 2023). Disciplines like calisthenics have exponentially gained followers in recent years, but bodyweight leg training is the most complex part of calisthenics. Athletes don’t always have access to …


How Fast Should You Move During Power Training?

The Eternal Dilemma: How Fast Should You Move During Power Training? Hypertrophy, strength, and power are common goals of resistance training, mediated by manipulating numerous variables including load, volume, exercise order, exercise selection, and rest intervals between sets, among others (Bernárdez-Vázquez et al., 2022). However, one often overlooked training variable that is essential to consider …


Raw Powerlifting vs Equipped Powerlifting

History of the Split in Powerlifting: Raw vs. Equipped In powerlifting, competitors engage in three classic movements: squat with a barbell, bench press, and deadlift, each designed to measure different aspects of maximum strength. With the foundation of the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) in November 1972, the first official IPF World Championship took place in …


Soccer Tests You Need to Assess Your Players

Soccer Tests Are Diverse And Complex Soccer is a highly complex sport influenced by many factors beyond the physical, such as the psychological, tactical, and technical aspects (Stølen et al., 2005). There are tests for soccer and other disciplines to measure each of these factors. In this article, we will focus on physical tests. Soccer …


Volume vs Intensity for hypertrophy. ¿Do you really need it?

Volume & Intensity – Definitions Training Volume The training volume for strength is described as the amount of work done in a given time, measured in repetitions and sets (McBride et al., 2009). It is crucial to consider that when counting sets for muscle hypertrophy, science defines a set as one that is completed with …