
Strength and Conditioning Knowledge Center

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Know the Enormous Healing Power That Nutrition Has in Our Body

Food has become in recent years one of the most developed sciences of our time. 50 years ago the way of feeding was condemned by the work that was developed, the place where it was lived and the time of year. Thus, for example, the same was not eaten in a province of southern Spain …


Plan Your Training for The Best Strength With VBT

For some time now, velocity-based training has been making its way into the new paradigm of the world of sports training and fitness. It is increasingly common to see coaches or athletes with their own encoder in gyms, even so, it can be a slightly complicated tool to apply in the planning of your workouts …


Sport Psychology: A Review for Professionals

Sport psychology is a specialty focused on improving performance through the different existing cognitive-behavioral methodologies. Over time it has not had a great presence in the preparation of elite athletes or amateurs. Relegated to the background, psychological treatment has not been the basis of any coach. However, with the passage of time and with the …


What is Muscle Pliability and Why Does it Matter?

When one thinks about the term “pliability” they generally associate the term with being flexible. While there is certainly some truth to that belief, pliability is much more than one narrowly defined skill or ability. Additionally, there seems to be a preconceived notion that those who are larger in size, whether muscularly or overweight, can’t …


We Tell You the Secrets of The Method to Relax and Gain Sleep

When reflecting on how to improve our performance, we take into account factors that involve above all the field of training and nutrition. We look for which methods will allow us to progress in a more efficient way, we investigate until we find articles with a reliable base and get the most out of it, …


How the brain reacts when we do sports

We all have in mind what happens to the body when we perform physical exercise: our muscles contract and relax, the pulsations increase, the oxygen transport routes are put into operation to meet the energy demands we need at that precise moment and a long etcetera. But what happens in our brain? It is thanks …


What is BFRT? (Blood Flow Restriction Training)

Training based on flow restriction or BFRT (Blood Flow Restriction Training), is a method that consists of using cuffs or bands to restrict muscle blood flow during low-intensity resistance exercise with the aim of stimulating hypertrophy. But how does this affect muscle? The hypertrophic mechanisms of blood flow restriction are associated with metabolic stress through …


What Is Circuit Training And What Are Its Benefits

Quick overview: Circuit training means training in a variety of ways and achieving high training effects. Circuit training can improve your strength and endurance, flexibility, and coordination skills at the same time.   What is Circuit Training? Circuit training is one of the oldest training methods and was invented in 1952 by two sports scientists …


SARMS: What Are They, How They Work, and What Are Their Effects?

As SARMs are selective in their action, many users believe they cause fewer side effects, making them a safer alternative to other performance-enhancing drugs such as steroids. However, they may not always be as safe as many think. In this article, we will talk about Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs), by whom and why they …


Kettlebell Swing: Proper Technique & Its Benefits

Quick Overview: The kettlebell is a piece of training equipment with a long tradition that has developed into a real fitness trend. The kettlebell swing in particular is effective if you want to improve your strength and endurance.    What Is The Kettlebell Swing? The kettlebell swing is a complex and functional full-body exercise. It …


How To Do Lat Pulldowns In Strength Training

Quick overview: The lat pulldown is one of the best exercises to get a broad back. With a multitude of grip options and intensity techniques, the lat pulldown is extremely effective and an excellent alternative to pull-ups and rows. Beginners who still have problems with pull-ups build up a certain basic strength with the lat …


How To Do Dumbbell Pullovers Correctly

Often underestimated by amateur athletes, but for many professionals, the classic for training the serratus anterior muscles is still considered one of the best.  In addition to the serratus anterior muscle, this exercise also trains the triceps, the large chest muscle (pectoralis major muscle), and the broad back muscle (latissimus dorsi muscle). Due to the …