Data-Driven, Precise, and Motivating Training for Private Facilities
Precise data and motivational metrics, enhancing client retention and performance through integrated Velocity Based Training and comprehensive wellness tracking.

Trusted by premier coaches, embraced by athletes worldwide.

Enhance your facility’s offerings with Vitruve’s cutting-edge technology
Showcase tangible results to clients, proving the value of your services. With the auto-regulation feature and motivational metrics help improve client retention and differentiate your facility from competitors.

Benefits of Vitruve for Private Facilities
Vitruve provides insights into athletes’ daily 1RM and readiness, enabling private facilities to deliver customized training programs.
Understanding Daily Readiness for Customized Training
Data Accuracy
Ensure accurate tracking of performance metrics, allowing to tailor programs to individual needs and demonstrate tangible results.
- High-precision data tracking
- Tailor programs to individual client needs
- Demonstrate clear, tangible results to clients
- Enhance the quality of training programs

Tangible Metrics
Show athlete’s progress with clear, data-driven metrics. Provide proof of improvement, enhancing client satisfaction and retention by making their progress visible and measurable.
- Clear, data-driven performance metrics
- Proof of client progress and improvement
- Enhanced client satisfaction and retention
- Short-term results that clients can see

Enhanced Client Retention
Motivational metrics and auto-regulation features keep athlete’s engaged and committed. By providing tangible evidence of improvement, you can increase client loyalty and differentiate your facility from competitors.
- Motivational metrics to keep clients engaged
- Auto-regulation for personalized training
- Increase client loyalty and retention rates
- Differentiate from competitors with advanced technology

More than 7,000 coaches use Vitruve vbt

“We are going to get to a point where we are going to be around 90% – 95% but we are not going to have to get you to a point of failure. We know exactly what is safe.”

“It’s a great device when you train a lot of athletes and you got to get in and go. So VBT is so critical because it allows me to know what zone I’m in.”

“We can track the athletes day to day preparedness and create a unique force velocity profile for each one of our athletes that helps us pinpoint and emphasis without any guesswork.”

“Now I have objective feedback at every single rep and what every athlete does. No matter what application of power, endurance or strength I can actually document our trend of strength and power”