
Strength and Conditioning Knowledge Center

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Breaking out of Lockdown – A Practical Guide to Getting Back to Your Best

The lockdown imposed due to COVID-19 has affected everyone involved in sport worldwide. It has affected the local club player as much as it has the professional sports star. It is rare you get your local weekend warrior sharing a performance problem with Lebron James or Lionel Messi, yet here we are! The amount this …


How to recover faster and better

One of the most covered topics in the sports realm is how to recover faster and better. The ability to recover determines everything that surrounds training and getting better, this is the one topic, where more is better, and faster is better. The “more” and the faster you can recover from any stressor, the sooner …


Physical Inactivity and Covid-19: The Ignored Risks – Part II

Now that you’ve had time to assimilate the introduction about The Ignored Risks of Physical Inactivity and Covid-19 (you thought that was it?), let’s get deeper into what brought you here in the first place.   Physical inactivity and muscle mass The preservation of muscle mass requires a constant supply of mechanical stimuli that directly …