
Strength and Conditioning Knowledge Center

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Travelling and training

Travelling and training: The Do’s , The Don’ts and the Valuable tool of VBT Are you like me? Always trying to fit your training around a busy life? Traveling for work and priorities need to change? Or maybe you’re just looking for a new regime. Look no further as I explain my experiences and the …


Sleep as a Recovery and Performance-Enhancing Tool

Sleep is the most powerful recovery and performance-enhancing tool on earth Introduction Sleep is increasingly gaining attention among sport scientists and practitioners as an important element to optimise sports performance and recovery. In fact, due to its restorative aspect, sleep is a critical aspect of the recovery processes in athletes. Both physical and cognitive stress …


Quantify Proximity to Failure

Autoregulating Volume With Absolute Velocity Stops: A Solution to Accurately Quantify Proximity to Failure Currently, the most commonly employed method of volume autoregulation is the RPE stop; however, it is limited by its inability to accurately quantify proximity to failure. Join me as I address six different examples of employing absolute velocity stops as a …


How to Get Faster with Velocity Based Training

Velocity-based training has gained traction among fitness trainers in this day and age. Although the concept of VBT is not new, it has become more prevalent due to technological advancements that have brought forward some pretty nice tools to monitor and manage training velocity. And this velocity measurement is both objective and precise. The primary …


Does Time of Day Affect Sports Performance?

Everyone knows that performance varies, even on a day-to-day basis. This variation is not trivial and you don´t need a fancy and complex methodology to detect it. We´ve all been there, running our best time, being the man of the match or nailing a PB one day and struggling with light weights, losing a race …


Lose less to win more: A comprehensive examination of the velocity loss literature

The velocity loss literature provides valuable insight on how far from failure the majority of training should occur, but it isn’t as straightforward as one might think. Join me as I address how to integrate the velocity loss data into the proximity to failure data in order to provide the optimal RPE ranges depending on …


5 Things You Can implement To Improved Your Training Environment

Either if you are a personal trainer dealing with a bunch of clients, the head of performance of a team or leading the strength and conditioning department of a training facility, setting up high working standards is what will differentiate success from failure. Building a fluid working environment, where thing runs smoothly, can save us …


How to get started on Velocity-Based Training with Vitruve

So, you are interested in beginning your journey with Vitruve, and implementing Velocity-Based Training. Congratulations! Whether you are an athlete or coach, Velocity-Based training can be a powerful tool to gain valuable data and real-time feedback to inform training and improve performance. “Velocity Based Training? What is that?” I remember the first time I saw …


The effects of biological sex on fatigue recovery from resistance exercise

Since I started working with both female and male athletes, this topic has been one of the most discussed and asked to me, especially from female coaches and athletes; are we going to work like the men’s team do? And my answer has been changing from one end to the other really quickly. We expect …


Reactive Strength Index and chart – RSI

An Introduction to Reactive Strength Index The Reactive Strength Index (RSI) was originally developed as part of the Strength Qualities Assessment Test (SQAT) used at the Australian Institute of Sport to evaluate and classify different athletes (mainly sprinters and jumpers) based on their strength qualities 1. The aforementioned testing battery included different strength-oriented assessments including: …


Breaking out of Lockdown – A Practical Guide to Getting Back to Your Best

The lockdown imposed due to COVID-19 has affected everyone involved in sport worldwide. It has affected the local club player as much as it has the professional sports star. It is rare you get your local weekend warrior sharing a performance problem with Lebron James or Lionel Messi, yet here we are! The amount this …


How to recover faster and better

One of the most covered topics in the sports realm is how to recover faster and better. The ability to recover determines everything that surrounds training and getting better, this is the one topic, where more is better, and faster is better. The “more” and the faster you can recover from any stressor, the sooner …