
Strength and Conditioning Knowledge Center

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Why Do Athletes Take Ice Baths ? Professional Coach’s Response

In recent years, we have been able to see how sports are affected by outdated fashion.  Sometimes certain training trends become popular but will be forgotten after a few months, while  others continue over time. In recent years, trends such as CrossFit, Aerobics/ Calisthenics, or high intensity interval training have become more prominent, and many …


Best supplements for athletes

Physical exercise has become an exceptional strategy for improving people’s quality of life and extending life expectancy (1). In addition, physical exercise provides a number of benefits that are similar to any type of drug, be it an antidepressant or an anti-inflammatory. In today’s world, physical exercise is part of the daily routine of a …


Why It Is Important To Improve Velocity In Weight Training?

This is a question that many athletes may ask themselves at some point in their sports career. By improving my velocity in lifting, will I improve my sports development? How does improving velocity in my weight training benefit me? How do I improve my velocity? Keep reading if you want to know more! In addition …


Who is Bryan Mann, the creator of velocity-based training?

Velocity-based training has become a revolution in recent decades. From the hands of sports science researchers such as Bryan Mann, but also González Badillo, Cronin, Jonathon Weakley, Langfort, Banyard… and a multitude of authors and studies that have endowed velocity-based training, a proven validity and efficacy that greatly outperforms other previous training models such as …


Why linear encoder works for sports? Measure Fatigue and Autorregulation

When programming an effective training that is capable of producing optimal adaptations, many factors must be taken into account to ensure that the training is adequate for the athlete. Factors such as sleep time, stress, diet, motivation, fatigue or menstrual cycle can affect performance The problem is that keeping track of all these factors can …


CrossFit Training Program For athletes

The CrossFit training methodology is here to stay. If you are here you probably need an extra boost in your workouts and you are looking for a training program for crossfit athletes because you want to reach the next level. Whether you have not started yet, have been in the box for several months or …


Warm up exercise guide for athletes

The warm-up is just as important as the main part of the workout. Its duration is not fixed and will depend on the session or test that we are going to carry out, giving the paradox that the shorter the effort, the longer and more important the warm-up is (Fradkin, Zazryn, & Smoliga, 2010). However, …


How much protein does an athlete need?

One of the biggest concerns when starting to improve our diet as athletes is calculating our nutritional requirements. These must be in accordance with our objectives, both at the level of body composition and performance and, if possible, guided by a professional who understands the needs of the sport we practice. Today we know that …


Velocity Based Training: A Guide to Getting Started with Your VBT

Strength training has often been understood as a really hard workout, with very high loads and a very high effort character, but the evidence has long been gained from those slogans as the “No pain, no gain”,  which have done so much damage to the world of training. This more traditional load percentage-based workout, which …


How to train to gain muscle mass?

Muscle mass gain and strength gain are one of the most sought-after qualities by those who want to see the best physique, achieve better marks in their respective sports modalities or improve their health. You may have tried different types of workouts, but you haven’t noticed any muscle mass gains. In this article we will …


Altitude Training: Benefits and Limitations

Abstract: Altitude training is something that the vast majority of society is unaware of. If you follow cycling, you know that athletes who live in Colombia, Bolivia or Peru usually have very good personal records in cycling. This is partly because they have grown up at an altitude well above average. This increase in altitude …


How to increase my weightlifting capacity thanks to VBT

Following these phases will generate an increase in your  weightlifting capacity and will increase your specific performance in your sport. Probably, if you follow these phases independently you would not achieve the same results. Within a preparation program for any type of sport you will mainly find two phases. The first phase (the general preparation …