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Types of strenght and how to train each of them

If we are not very familiar with the world of training, and when we talk about strength training, we usually think of a training session with loads full of sweat and tears as the “No pain, no gain” fitness industry has sold to us, where we fill the bar with the maximum possible weight and …


Swimming Pool Training for Swimmers and Athletes

The swimming pool can be an incredible form of physical activity. It’s really versatile and can practice from rehabilitation training to high-level competitions, and the latter is what we will focus on in this article. Water is a way of weightlessness, so dry work, that is, weight-bearing training in water, is the decisive factor for …


Why It Is Important To Improve Velocity In Weight Training?

This is a question that many athletes may ask themselves at some point in their sports career. By improving my velocity in lifting, will I improve my sports development? How does improving velocity in my weight training benefit me? How do I improve my velocity? Keep reading if you want to know more! In addition …


Velocity Based Training: A Guide to Getting Started with Your VBT

Strength training has often been understood as a really hard workout, with very high loads and a very high effort character, but the evidence has long been gained from those slogans as the “No pain, no gain”,  which have done so much damage to the world of training. This more traditional load percentage-based workout, which …


How to train to gain muscle mass?

Muscle mass gain and strength gain are one of the most sought-after qualities by those who want to see the best physique, achieve better marks in their respective sports modalities or improve their health. You may have tried different types of workouts, but you haven’t noticed any muscle mass gains. In this article we will …