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Vbt and S&C, a winner combination for elite athlete’s

VBT to Improve Strength and Conditioning (S&C) Velocity-based training (VBT) is one of the most exciting strategies for strength and conditioning (S&C) training. The use of increasing technology to measure the speed at which we move the load has made the association between VBT and S&C training a clear winning combination (Balsalobre-Fernandez & Torres-Ronda, 2021). …


The Basics of Periodization Training in Sports

Periodization of training in sport: what is it and where does it come from? Image taken by Joel Muniz (Unsplash) The periodization of training is the tool that coaches have for athletes to respond to the training load with beneficial adaptations for their sports performance (Medicine, 2013). If the load used is less than necessary, …


How to Prepare for the 300-Meter Hurdles

If you think sprinting along a 400-meter track at full speed is the hardest thing to accomplish, think again. A 300-meter hurdles race might be an even more grueling undertaking. Not only do athletes have to run through most parts of the track, but they also have to clear eight hurdles along the way. And …


The 110m Hurdles: Technique, Drills, and Training

110m hurdles race is not like any other sprint on a track. Not only do you have to maintain your full speed on the track, but you also need to clear ten 42” hurdles while doing the best you can to reach the finish line before other opponents. So, it is not just about speed; …


We Tell You the Secrets of The Method to Relax and Gain Sleep

When reflecting on how to improve our performance, we take into account factors that involve above all the field of training and nutrition. We look for which methods will allow us to progress in a more efficient way, we investigate until we find articles with a reliable base and get the most out of it, …


Mobility vs flexibility: what is the difference?

Whether you’re a high-performance athlete or just started training in the gym, we’ve all heard the terms flexibility and mobility at some point. Surely in your first physical education classes at school you will possibly perform simple flexibility tests such as trying to touch the tips of your toes and compete to see who was …


How Much Should Athletes Sleep To Improve Their Performance?

In recent decades, the stress of large cities, the socio-political conditions of our country and an economy that falters every two by three, has caused society to experience certain behavioral and emotional changes that can affect the quality of Athletes Sleep. Sleep has been and is one of our most animal conditions. The hours of …


Recovery strategies and techniques for athletes

Recovery strategies and techniques Normally we talk a lot about training and nutrition. We search how to progress and perform more than ever and we investigate until we find articles with a reliable base and get the most out of it, both for our athletes and for our own workouts. Training and nutrition are two …