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Discovering The Main Injury Prevention Measures

Sport is healthy, strengthens, and releases endorphins. That is undisputed. However, sport also carries a certain risk, as it can lead to injuries. Anyone who does sports regularly is always exposed to a certain risk. From time to time, sports injuries can occur during training. In this article, you will get an overview of the …


Why Do You Need Software To Do The Best Sports Performance Analysis? For Coaches!

The role of performance analysis is undeniable regardless of which sport you engage in. This analysis is carried out by professional coaches who have great knowledge and access to the right tools to make sure that they make the right decision in order to optimize an athlete’s performance. The performance analysis mainly deals with a …


Lumbar Spine Stability Exercises For Athletes

The biomechanics of the surrounding joints play a decisive role in the stability of the lumbar spine. The thoracic spine and hip joint must be sufficiently mobile and stable in order to avoid ascending and descending chains of cause and effect and to ensure adequate power transmission during rapid movements. Global and especially local stabilizing …


Core Training Definition And Performance

Quick Overview: The “core area” of the body is the area that represents the body’s center of gravity and ensures the stability of movement. It includes the skeletal, ligamentous, and muscular parts from the diaphragm to the pelvis. The bone architecture of the spine, ribs and diaphragm, the connecting ligaments, and the thoracolumbar fascia are …


The Importance of Regeneration For Athletes

Not making any progress despite the hard and intensive training? Then you may be exercising too much. Just pumping without a break is not a great idea. Because only those who allow their body to recover will benefit from the training. Learn how to regenerate properly. It is counterproductive for the muscles if they are …


Personality Characteristics Of High-Performance Athletes

In sport, personal strength decides whether you win or lose. In the case of successful athletes, characteristics such as determination, perseverance, etc. are often considered success factors. Individuals take different approaches when dealing with events that occur in their life – trait and situational. An individual who uses a trait approach applies the same personality …


How Many Hours Do I Have to Sleep to Increase My Muscle Mass?

Normally we talk a lot about training and nutrition, we look for how to progress and perform more than ever, we investigate until we find articles with a reliable basis and get the most out of it, both for our athletes and for our own training. We agree that training and nutrition are two fundamental …


How Far Can The Mental Game Affect Sports

As a competitive athlete, one is dependent on being able to use one’s full sporting potential through mental strength. In these situations, in particular, the stress of competition, pressure to perform, and nervousness can stand in the way of maximum physical performance. This is where mental training comes in. Mental strength can improve athletic performance …


Improve Sports Performance: We Give You All The Keys

In sport, of course, everything revolves around the topic of increasing performance. Higher, faster, and further is the motto. As mankind has also proven, this can also be increased to very high spheres and can be pushed to the extreme.   Sport-Specific Adaptation Of The Training Increased performance encompasses a large number of areas that …


What is Muscle Pliability and Why Does it Matter?

When one thinks about the term “pliability” they generally associate the term with being flexible. While there is certainly some truth to that belief, pliability is much more than one narrowly defined skill or ability. Additionally, there seems to be a preconceived notion that those who are larger in size, whether muscularly or overweight, can’t …


What Is Circuit Training And What Are Its Benefits

Quick overview: Circuit training means training in a variety of ways and achieving high training effects. Circuit training can improve your strength and endurance, flexibility, and coordination skills at the same time.   What is Circuit Training? Circuit training is one of the oldest training methods and was invented in 1952 by two sports scientists …


SARMS: What Are They, How They Work, and What Are Their Effects?

As SARMs are selective in their action, many users believe they cause fewer side effects, making them a safer alternative to other performance-enhancing drugs such as steroids. However, they may not always be as safe as many think. In this article, we will talk about Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs), by whom and why they …