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Kettlebell Swing: Proper Technique & Its Benefits

Quick Overview: The kettlebell is a piece of training equipment with a long tradition that has developed into a real fitness trend. The kettlebell swing in particular is effective if you want to improve your strength and endurance.    What Is The Kettlebell Swing? The kettlebell swing is a complex and functional full-body exercise. It …


How To Do Lat Pulldowns In Strength Training

Quick overview: The lat pulldown is one of the best exercises to get a broad back. With a multitude of grip options and intensity techniques, the lat pulldown is extremely effective and an excellent alternative to pull-ups and rows. Beginners who still have problems with pull-ups build up a certain basic strength with the lat …


How To Do Dumbbell Pullovers Correctly

Often underestimated by amateur athletes, but for many professionals, the classic for training the serratus anterior muscles is still considered one of the best.  In addition to the serratus anterior muscle, this exercise also trains the triceps, the large chest muscle (pectoralis major muscle), and the broad back muscle (latissimus dorsi muscle). Due to the …


How Effective is Movement Training for Fitness?

The fitness industry is saturated with trendy training protocols, “innovative” exercise machines, and online “experts” suggesting the next best way to get fit fast. So saturated, in fact, that it can be difficult to decipher what information is legitimate and what information is, for the lack of a better term, misinformation. With one “expert” saying …


Guide To Learn The Clean And Jerk Technique

Quick Overview: In CrossFit and Olympic weightlifting, the clean and jerk is a popular exercise. It consists of two parts: the clean, in which the barbell is lifted from the floor to the shoulders, and the jerk, in which the bar is lifted from the shoulders to the overhead position. There are many benefits to …


Sport VBT Sensor Encoder. How to Use the VBT System for Velocity-Based Training

What is Velocity-Based Training? Velocity-Based Training (VBT) is a fantastic tool for strength and conditioning coaches and professionals around the world. VBT allows you to optimize your training, it is the only way to know objectively what is happening in the weight room. The fundamental premise of VBT is to measure speed to control the …


Do Athletes Have Low Blood Pressure?

In this week’s entry, we will focus on a health parameter, including a health parameter that can indicate the risk of cardiovascular disease: blood pressure (1). Blood pressure indicates how much our blood compresses the arteries when it leaves the heart (systolic blood pressure) and when it returns (diastolic blood pressure). The Australian Physical Exercise …


Who is Bryan Mann, the creator of velocity-based training?

Velocity-based training has become a revolution in recent decades. From the hands of sports science researchers such as Bryan Mann, but also González Badillo, Cronin, Jonathon Weakley, Langfort, Banyard… and a multitude of authors and studies that have endowed velocity-based training, a proven validity and efficacy that greatly outperforms other previous training models such as …


Why linear encoder works for sports? Measure Fatigue and Autorregulation

When programming an effective training that is capable of producing optimal adaptations, many factors must be taken into account to ensure that the training is adequate for the athlete. Factors such as sleep time, stress, diet, motivation, fatigue or menstrual cycle can affect performance The problem is that keeping track of all these factors can …


CrossFit Training Program For athletes

The CrossFit training methodology is here to stay. If you are here you probably need an extra boost in your workouts and you are looking for a training program for crossfit athletes because you want to reach the next level. Whether you have not started yet, have been in the box for several months or …


Warm up exercise guide for athletes

The warm-up is just as important as the main part of the workout. Its duration is not fixed and will depend on the session or test that we are going to carry out, giving the paradox that the shorter the effort, the longer and more important the warm-up is (Fradkin, Zazryn, & Smoliga, 2010). However, …


Intermittent fasting for athletes: can it improve your performance results?

Intermittent fasting is a protocol in which we restrict food intake for a certain period of time. But can intermittent fasting for athletes improve sports performance? In general, we all fast between 7 and 9 hours of sleep at night, but when we talk about intermittent fasting, we are referring to periods longer than 12 …